Grant Holders' Meeting Erasmus+ Capacity Building Higher Education 2023
Virtual event, 7-8 February 2023
The virtual event took place on two consecutive days with online sessions and networking spaces follow by bilateral sessions between EACEA’s Project Officers and project’s representatives during the subsequent days.
The overall aim of the event was threefold:
Offering the possibility to provide the political background to the coordinators and partners and to the overarching priorities to which the project results shall contribute.
Addressing practical issues such as grant management (rules and reporting requirements) and the life cycle of the projects.
Creating opportunities for new and experienced practitioners to exchange knowledge and to network with other projects in a similar subject area or partner country. Finally, it is an occasion to meet representatives of the European Commission, the European Union Delegations (EUD), National Erasmus Offices (NEOs) and National Agencies (NA)and the Erasmus+ National Focal Points (ENFPs).
This platform is available from 3 February until 16 February to get in touch with other participants of the event.
Browse the participant list and choose who to contact, either via direct message or 1-to-1 videoconference. you can select one or several people to be in the networking call.
No program download is required: you will be able to take part in a call via your browser. Go to "How it works" for more information.